Endometrial Receptivity Array Test (ERA)

What is the Endometrial Receptivity Array Test?

Until recently, it has not been possible to accurately assess whether the endometrium is at its most receptive. ERA is a pioneering method of assessing the receptivity of the endometrium (lining of the womb) and indicates the optimum time for the embryo transfer.

There is a certain timeframe when your embryo is most likely to survive and implant. This is called the window of implantation. This occurs around 7 – 10 days after ovulation.

This technique offers hope to patients with repeated, unexplained implantation failure by identifying the personalised day of implantation.

How is it done?

The test involves an endometrial biopsy (taking a sample from the li, which is carried out 7 days after ovulation. If ovulation does not occur regularly, the lining of the womb can be prepared artificially using medication (mock cycle). On the correct day of the cycle, a biopsy of the endometrium is taken. This is normally a simple outpatient procedure, which requires no anaesthetic. An analysis of 238 genes involved in implantation is then carried out.